Source code for kasa.protocol

"""Implementation of the TP-Link Smart Home Protocol.

Encryption/Decryption methods based on the works of
Lubomir Stroetmann and Tobias Esser

which are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

from __future__ import annotations

import base64
import errno
import hashlib
import logging
import struct
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# When support for cpython older than 3.11 is dropped
# async_timeout can be replaced with asyncio.timeout
from .credentials import Credentials
from .deviceconfig import DeviceConfig

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def md5(payload: bytes) -> bytes:
    """Return the MD5 hash of the payload."""
    return hashlib.md5(payload).digest()  # noqa: S324

[docs]class BaseTransport(ABC): """Base class for all TP-Link protocol transports.""" DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5 def __init__( self, *, config: DeviceConfig, ) -> None: """Create a protocol object.""" self._config = config self._host = self._port = config.port_override or self.default_port self._credentials = config.credentials self._credentials_hash = config.credentials_hash self._timeout = config.timeout or self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT @property @abstractmethod def default_port(self) -> int: """The default port for the transport.""" @property @abstractmethod def credentials_hash(self) -> str: """The hashed credentials used by the transport."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def send(self, request: str) -> dict: """Send a message to the device and return a response."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def close(self) -> None: """Close the transport. Abstract method to be overriden."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def reset(self) -> None: """Reset internal state."""
[docs]class BaseProtocol(ABC): """Base class for all TP-Link Smart Home communication.""" def __init__( self, *, transport: BaseTransport, ) -> None: """Create a protocol object.""" self._transport = transport @property def _host(self): return self._transport._host @property def config(self) -> DeviceConfig: """Return the connection parameters the device is using.""" return self._transport._config
[docs] @abstractmethod async def query(self, request: str | dict, retry_count: int = 3) -> dict: """Query the device for the protocol. Abstract method to be overriden."""
[docs] @abstractmethod async def close(self) -> None: """Close the protocol. Abstract method to be overriden."""
def get_default_credentials(tuple: tuple[str, str]) -> Credentials: """Return decoded default credentials.""" un = base64.b64decode(tuple[0].encode()).decode() pw = base64.b64decode(tuple[1].encode()).decode() return Credentials(un, pw) DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS = { "KASA": ("a2FzYUB0cC1saW5rLm5ldA==", "a2FzYVNldHVw"), "TAPO": ("dGVzdEB0cC1saW5rLm5ldA==", "dGVzdA=="), }